This website is a collaborative development project of the GW Coders group. GW Coders is an informal community of
alumni, and staff at the George Washington University (and surrounding communities and institutions)
who enjoy
problems and creating opportunities with code.
Project-based learning is a practical approach to learning, in which you learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects. But projects that are meaningful to you, are going to be quite different from those that are meaningful to others. With that in mind, we developed a platform that allows you to find projects based on your interests -- which for most of us is related to what we decide to study in school. Of course, you can also explore projects from other fields.
If you find project tutorials while searching the Internet, share them with others by posting them here. If you complete a project based on a tutorial, rate it so that others can decide if it is a project for them.
The challenges are another way that you can learn some fun coding skills. You can complete challenges, or create your own.
Learn more about integrating coding tutorials into your teaching with "Teaching and Learning with Jupyter" (a free e-book about teaching computational or data analysis skills).
Our mission is simple, help people (especially those not already in computer science) learn to code by sovling problems and building projects.
Help people (especially those not already in computer science) learn to code by sovling problems and building projects.
We do not do anything with your information, period. Creating an account just lets you create a to-do list of tutprials, rate tutorials, as well as post/respond to challenges.
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Ryan is a professor at George Washington University. You can learn about him and his other projects on his website.